Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Generation

Tonight, there have been some rather interesting premieres on two of the more popular TV networks, ABC & NBC.
The TV show 'My Generation' airs on Thursday Nights at 8:00 PM EST on ABC. It originated 10 years ago when the characters in the documentary were 18 years old. Then, the class of 2000, they were asked where they thought they would be in 10 years. The show takes place in present time when the now 28 year old adults look back and reflect on what has happened in their lives for the past 10 years.
Outsourced airs on NBC at 9:30 EST on Thursday nights. It is a sit-com featuring actor Ben Rappaport who plays Todd Dempsey. The show features some predictable humor, which is typical for an 'office humor' show like this. Some people are already claiming that the show is in poor taste, while others think it is hilarious. You will have to watch it and decide for yourself.
Both shows were on tonight, and have gotten rather mixed reviews.
What did you think of the new TV shows on ABC & NBC tonight?

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