Sunday, August 30, 2009

Interview Question for active diectory and exchange

Interview Question for active diectory and exchange

Interview Quitions (Personal Interview)

1. Give me a general view of your current (or most recent) responsibilities.
2. If you could have the perfect job, what would it be?
3. Think of a problem you had to deal with at your last (or present) job. Tell me exactly what happened and how you handled it.
4. Describe a situation in which you might find it justifiable to break company policy or alter standard procedure.
5. In your past job experience, tell me about a time when you stuck to company policy to solve a problem when it might have been easier or more immediately effective not to.
6. Give me an example of a time when communicating with a customer (or fellow worker) was difficult. Give me an example of how you handled it.
7. Think of a day when you had many things to do and describe how you scheduled your time.
8. Tell me about something you've done in your current (or most recent) job that is creative.
9. Tell me about a time when you made a quick decision that you were proud of.
10. Tell me about an important goal you have set in the past and how successful you were in accomplishing it.
11. Think of a time when you had to do a task that was particularly uninteresting. How did you deal with it?
12. What experience have you had with a miscommunication with a customer (or fellow employee). How did you solve the problem?
13. Tell me about a time when an upper-level decision or a policy change held up your work.
14. Have you ever had to make a sticky decision when no policy existed to cover it? Tell me what you did.
15. Describe a time when you communicated some unpleasant news or feelings to a supervisor. What happened?
16. What has been your experience in dealing with poor performance of subordinates? Give me an example.
17. In your current (or most recent) position, what types of decisions do you make without consulting your boss?
18. Can you give me an example of when you came up with a clever way of motivating someone?
19. Give me an example of a time when you got really motivated at work.
20. What have been major obstacles which you have had to overcome on your most recent (or current) job. How did you deal with them?
21. What types of things have made you angry? How did you react to those situations?
22. Describe a situation in your last (or current) job where you could structure your own work schedule. What did you do?
23. Describe for me a time when you made a mistake that illustrates your need for improvement in a certain area.
24. You have heard the expression, "being able to roll with the punches." Describe a time when you had to do that.
25. If you could be "supervisor-for-a-day" at your current (or most recent) position, what changes would you make?

Technical Interview (Windows / Exchange Administrator)

1) What are different file systems win Windows NT based Systems---
2) Difference between FAT 16, Fat 32 and NTFS file systems----
3) What is a Domain and Workgroup? Highlight advtgs and disadvtgs.
4) Difference between Winnt4.0 Domain and Win2k ADS domain Model.----
5) Which is the latest SP for Winnt4.0---
6) What are PDC and BDC? Highlight the difference between PDC and BDC---
7) Can we reset password or make changes to domain in NT4.0 when PDC is down and  BDC is up.
8) What are the NT authentication methods in Winnt4.0 domain model
9) What is Local and Global group in NT4.0
10) What is the Winnt systems boot sequence
11) What are the two types of disks systems?
12) What are the different versions of Win2k OS?
13) What is latest SP for win2k?
14) What are FSMO roles? Explain each FSMO roles
15) What is the use of PDC emulator in both Native and Mixed mode
16) What and where is Schema master located
17) What are the 3 naming context in which ADS is divided.
18) What will be the effect on root and child domain if Schema master is down
19) What is Win2k Authentication method
20) What is GC? Why is it recommended to have GC for each AD site and sub domain
21) What is TCP/IP port for GC.
22) What is the IIS version on win2k Servers
23) What type of Dynamic disks supported in Win 2k server
24) What is local, global and Universal groups in ADS domain
25) What is the database for ADS services?
26) What is Sysvol used for?
27) What is Dcdiag, netdiag, repmon, repstat and dsadiag
28) What are different types backup?
Exchange 5.5
1) What are the core services? Explain the order of starting the services.
2) Explain the hierarchy of exchange Admin program
3) What are the two versions of exchange 5.5 and compare them.
4) What is the component of exchange called where mails and public data is stored
5) What is latest SP for Exchange 5.5?
6) What is information store and directory database files and locations
7) What is custom recipient mailbox
8) What is the size of transaction log file
9) Difference between Sequential and circular logging. Where do you enable it?
10) Which service is responsible for server-to-server communication?
11) What is MTA used for?
12) What is GAL
13) What are different ways of connecting sites? Highlight differences between X.400 and Site Connector.
14) What are different mails clients supported by Exchange 5.5?
15) What is IMC used for?
16) What is X.400 and X.500 standards
17) What is IPM message format
Exchange 2000
1) What are the core services for Exchange 200
2) Explain the hierarchy of exchange management console program
3) Different versions of Exchange 2000
4) Latest SP for exchange 2000---
4) How many storage groups and stores are supported in exchange 2000
5) What is RUS? Which service is responsible for the RUS? ---
6) What is recipient polices, email policy and Mailbox manager policy
7) What are DN, RDN UPN and SMTP naming formats?--
8)What is System policy?--
9) What are the different ways to apply mailbox restriction on certain mailboxes?
10) What is mapi and non-mapi tree?
11) What is edb.chk file used for?
12) What is eseutil /d, eseutil /p eseutil /g used for?
13) What is restore.env file?
14) What is dsacess and boostrap?
15)what is mailbox enabled and mail enabled user
1) What is OSI layer?
2) What is application and Transport layer responsible for?
3) What are different classes of networks?
4) What is socket combination of
5) What are some of the common port number for
6) Difference between WINS and DNS
7) What is net bios and FQDN name resolution methods
8) What DHCP server.
9) How do we clear the dns cache on the client machine?
10) What is MAC address and IP address?
11) What are the various types of DNS records?
12) Explain the zone types in DNS of W2K.

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