Monday, August 24, 2009

Will a System Reinstall Clean Up the Registry?

Will a System Reinstall Clean Up the Registry?

Reinstalling a system is normally done when a computer's stability is so far gone that nothing can be done about it. Before reinstalling the operating system, a person has either exhausted every known option or she is completely sick of the way the computer is running. When the operating system is reinstalled, you're starting from scratch. Once you start the computer up, everything will look the way it did when you first got it.

    What a Reinstallation Does

1.      When you reinstall your operating system, the first thing that happens before the contents of the installation disc are put back on your hard drive is the old operating system is completely wiped out. This deletion is called formatting. After formatting, the hard drive is a clean slate, and not a bit of debris from the old operating system will be left behind, because the old information could contaminate the new information. The information on the installation disc then loads itself on your hard drive per your specifications. The installation wizard will prompt you for certain preferences, and your answers will determine how the operating system appears on your computer. You'll be asked about partitions and keyboard layouts and time zones--things that will synchronize your computer with your intended use, language, and location. Once all your preferences have been used to set up the operating system, you can then restart your computer and everything will be like new.

    The Registry

2.      Your System Registry, upon a reinstallation, will be completely new. The only registry values will be the ones that were just put on the computer during the reinstallation. All the entries from malicious software and old programs will be gone and the new entries that correspond to the operating system that was just installed will be the only entries.

Now, if you've created a back-up disc that contains Dynamic Link Library files (.dll's) or other programs and items that you didn't want to lose, you could, if you're not careful, mess up the System Registry again when you reinstall those items. If the back-up disc has malicious software embedded on it, your operating system will have the malicious software as soon as you insert the disc and begin to install the things on it. The best bet for you would be to install anti-virus software and scan the disc before using it. That way, you're certain that everything is clean and your System Registry stays new.

    The Answer is "Yes"

3.      Reinstalling the operating system will certainly clean your System Registry. If you're cautious with installing software--"cautious" means scanning everything before downloading and installing with anti-virus software, enabling your firewall, and completing defragmentations and disk clean-ups often--your System Registry will stay clean.

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How Often Should I Run Defrag?

How Often Should I Run Defrag?

Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)


Disk Defragmentation is the process by which files that have been moved across a hard drive are placed in sectors that are easier for the computer to access; thereby speeding up performance and reducing strain on the processor. Defgragmenting your hard drive should be part of your normal computer maintenance, but knowing when to do it will depend largely on your personal computing habits.

    Mild Computer Users

1.      If you are a mild computer user, and use your computer for occasional Internet Browsing, word processing, or look at pictures for less than ten hours a week, then it would benefit you most to defragment your computer once a month. Since a mild user is not on the computer very much and does not modify large amounts of data, fragments will not be very persistent, and defragmenting once a month will keep the computer in peak performance.

    Moderate Users

2.      If you use your computer for more intense tasks, like video/music editing or playing video games, then you probably fall into the moderate category if your usage is less than 10 hours per week. Although the computer is not being used more than the mild category, the use of such data-intensive programs will create many fragmented files. If you are a moderate user, it is best to defragment your computer at least twice a month, preferably bi-weekly. This will ensure that all the fragments created by your favorite programs will be dealt with before they can affect the performance of the computer.

    Heavy Users

3.      If you use intensive programs and/or are on the computer for more than 10 hours a week, it is best to defragment your computer once a week. Frequent use of a computer, even for something as simple as web-browsing leads to fragments, and if you are also using data-intensive programs, then the potential for large-scale fragmentation is particularly eminent. However, making sure to defragment your computer at least once a week will help ease the strain of fragmentation from heavy use, and will help even the most punishing program run smoother.

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WARNING: Computer viruses can be transmitted via email. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Will a System Reinstall Clean Up the Registry?

Will a System Reinstall Clean Up the Registry?

Reinstalling a system is normally done when a computer's stability is so far gone that nothing can be done about it. Before reinstalling the operating system, a person has either exhausted every known option or she is completely sick of the way the computer is running. When the operating system is reinstalled, you're starting from scratch. Once you start the computer up, everything will look the way it did when you first got it.

    What a Reinstallation Does

1.      When you reinstall your operating system, the first thing that happens before the contents of the installation disc are put back on your hard drive is the old operating system is completely wiped out. This deletion is called formatting. After formatting, the hard drive is a clean slate, and not a bit of debris from the old operating system will be left behind, because the old information could contaminate the new information. The information on the installation disc then loads itself on your hard drive per your specifications. The installation wizard will prompt you for certain preferences, and your answers will determine how the operating system appears on your computer. You'll be asked about partitions and keyboard layouts and time zones--things that will synchronize your computer with your intended use, language, and location. Once all your preferences have been used to set up the operating system, you can then restart your computer and everything will be like new.

    The Registry

2.      Your System Registry, upon a reinstallation, will be completely new. The only registry values will be the ones that were just put on the computer during the reinstallation. All the entries from malicious software and old programs will be gone and the new entries that correspond to the operating system that was just installed will be the only entries.

Now, if you've created a back-up disc that contains Dynamic Link Library files (.dll's) or other programs and items that you didn't want to lose, you could, if you're not careful, mess up the System Registry again when you reinstall those items. If the back-up disc has malicious software embedded on it, your operating system will have the malicious software as soon as you insert the disc and begin to install the things on it. The best bet for you would be to install anti-virus software and scan the disc before using it. That way, you're certain that everything is clean and your System Registry stays new.

    The Answer is "Yes"

3.      Reinstalling the operating system will certainly clean your System Registry. If you're cautious with installing software--"cautious" means scanning everything before downloading and installing with anti-virus software, enabling your firewall, and completing defragmentations and disk clean-ups often--your System Registry will stay clean.

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WARNING: Computer viruses can be transmitted via email. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

How Often Should I Run Defrag?

How Often Should I Run Defrag?

Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)


Disk Defragmentation is the process by which files that have been moved across a hard drive are placed in sectors that are easier for the computer to access; thereby speeding up performance and reducing strain on the processor. Defgragmenting your hard drive should be part of your normal computer maintenance, but knowing when to do it will depend largely on your personal computing habits.

    Mild Computer Users

1.      If you are a mild computer user, and use your computer for occasional Internet Browsing, word processing, or look at pictures for less than ten hours a week, then it would benefit you most to defragment your computer once a month. Since a mild user is not on the computer very much and does not modify large amounts of data, fragments will not be very persistent, and defragmenting once a month will keep the computer in peak performance.

    Moderate Users

2.      If you use your computer for more intense tasks, like video/music editing or playing video games, then you probably fall into the moderate category if your usage is less than 10 hours per week. Although the computer is not being used more than the mild category, the use of such data-intensive programs will create many fragmented files. If you are a moderate user, it is best to defragment your computer at least twice a month, preferably bi-weekly. This will ensure that all the fragments created by your favorite programs will be dealt with before they can affect the performance of the computer.

    Heavy Users

3.      If you use intensive programs and/or are on the computer for more than 10 hours a week, it is best to defragment your computer once a week. Frequent use of a computer, even for something as simple as web-browsing leads to fragments, and if you are also using data-intensive programs, then the potential for large-scale fragmentation is particularly eminent. However, making sure to defragment your computer at least once a week will help ease the strain of fragmentation from heavy use, and will help even the most punishing program run smoother.

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MS Access SQL Tutorial

MS Access SQL Tutorial

Microsoft Access is a database software that allows users to create tables, queries and reports. Microsoft Access is intended for small businesses or individuals to give them visual tools to create reports for finance, sales, and marketing without the high cost of server software. Once the software is purchased, learning the basics of MS Access is necessary.

    Create a Table

1.      The first object needed in an Access database is a table. The table is where all data is stored. In most databases, multiple tables hold sections of categorized data. For instance, an online store may have a table for customers, one for orders, and another for product lists. All these tables are linked together using relationships. For each order a customer makes, the customer number is inserted into the orders table. Since the customer number is also located in the customer's table, these two rows in separate tables form a relationship. The same is used with the products table. Each order has a product, so the product identification number is inserted in the orders table. This forms a relationship link from the order to the products table.

Creating a table is accomplished in the main menu of the database. Double-click the "Create table in design view" icon and a new table template opens. It's in design view where each column is created. A column holds a different piece of information for each record. For instance, in the customer table, the first name, last name, and address of the customer are examples of columns.

    Create a Query

2.      Queries are the way to select data from a table. While small tables with few records are easy to find records, tables may grow to thousands of records. Queries retrieve the information from tables according to the criteria given. Queries also use the relationships setup in each table. This helps the user return one record set of data without querying each table separately.

To create a query, double-click the "Create query in design view" icon on the main database screen. This opens a wizard where the applications asks for tables. Select the tables that hold the data needed for display. Once the tables are added, drag and drop columns into the results section at the bottom of the Access screen. Click "Run" and a sample output is displayed. Queries can be complex or simple, depending on the necessities of the report.

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How to Set Up an Employee Schedule in Excel

How to Set Up an Employee Schedule in Excel

Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

Employee Schedule

Properly setting up a schedule for employees is a vital step towards establishing and maintaining an efficient workplace. When you set up an employee schedule, it is important to make sure that all shifts have sufficient coverage, that each employee is working the appropriate amount of hours and that employees receive adequate time off, as well. You can use Microsoft Excel to set up an employee schedule that is effective and easy to use as well.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need:

ยท       Microsoft Excel 2000 - 2007

1.      Step 1

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Insert Header

    Open a blank Excel worksheet. Go to the "Insert" tab in Excel 2007 or the "View" menu in Excel 2003 or earlier and select "Header & Footer." Select "Custom Header" and enter "Employee Schedule."

2.      Step 2

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Set Up Orientation

    Go to the "Page Layout" tab in Excel 2007 and click on "Orientation." Select "Landscape." In Excel 2003 or earlier, go to the "File" menu and select "Page Setup." Select "Landscape" on the "Page" tab. Enter "For the week of:" in cell "A1." Select cell "A4."

3.      Step 3

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    First Scheduled Day of the Week

    Set up the cell by changing the font size to "12" and select "Bold" in the "Font" group of the "Home" tab in Excel 2007 or on the "Formatting" toolbar in Excel 2003 or earlier. Type in the first day of the scheduled workweek for employees.

4.      Step 4

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Set Up Schedule Times

    Select cell "B4." Type in the first scheduled time for employees to start work. Enter increments of time in the remaining cells of "Row 4." These may be hour or half hour increments, or you might want to only enter shift change times.

5.      Step 5

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Set Up Employees in the Schedule

    Select cell "A5." Enter the name of the first employee by alphabetical order. In cell "A6," enter the next employee alphabetically, and so on until all employees are set up in the schedule.

6.      Step 6

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Set Up the Rest of the Schedule

    Skip a row and repeat steps 3 through 5 with the second day of the workweek. Repeat with the remaining days of the workweek. Add color to the cells containing days, times and employee names by using the "Fill Color" button in the "Font" group of the "Home" tab in Excel 2007, or the "Formatting" toolbar in Excel 2003 or earlier.

7.      Step 7

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Save the Schedule as a Template

    Save the employee schedule as an Excel template. Click the "Office Button" in Excel 2007 or the "File" menu in Excel 2003 or earlier and select "Save As." Enter "Employee Schedule" under "File Name." Select "Excel Template (*.xltx)" under "Save as Type" in Excel 2007 or "Template" in Excel 2003 or earlier and click "Save." This will allow you to reuse the schedule without having to set it up again

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Troubleshooting Sound on a Computer

Troubleshooting Sound on a Computer

Sound card and speakers are a typical addition to most computers. For gaming computers, sound is a necessity. When sound fails on a Windows computer, it lowers the quality of gaming and interaction on the computer. If the sound card or speakers fail, the only choice is to purchase new hardware. However, there are several troubleshooting guidelines to ensure the problem is reversible through configurations.

    Drivers and Compatibility

1.      If a new operating system has been installed or updates to the sound card have been made, the user may need to update drivers. Drivers are the essential applications that give the hardware the ability to interact with the software. Drivers are always packaged with the sound card on a CD-ROM. Install the drivers using the installation CD and reboot the computer. There are no drivers for speakers.

Compatibility may also be an issue with the sound card. Although Windows is compatible with most hardware, older sound cards may have a compatibility issue with newer operating systems like Windows Vista. Microsoft also provides a list of driver updates for most hardware. Search the corporate page at If the driver is old or outdated, install any updates available on the site.

    Use the Sound Troubleshooter

2.      Microsoft provides a sound troubleshooter application that scans the computer for possible problems with the sound card and drivers. The application is found in the "Help and Support" section of the Windows main menu. Click "Fix a problem" in the application and then select "Games, sound, and video problems." This runs and application to check the machine for bad hardware, corrupted drivers, or installation errors. The sound troubleshooter attempts to deliver sound to the speakers for testing, so ensure the speakers are attached prior to using the tool.

    Switch the Device

3.      Occasionally, the problem may be the speakers but the sound card is operational. Attach another set of speakers into the sound card. If sound is functional, then only new speakers need to be purchased. Attach speakers to a different sound card in another machine. This tests to see if speakers are functional and often means the sound card may be an issue. The user can also place the sound card in another machine to test compatibility. Occasionally, the motherboard slots fail, so the sound card may still work in another machine.

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WARNING: Computer viruses can be transmitted via email. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Troubleshooting Sound on a Computer

Troubleshooting Sound on a Computer

Sound card and speakers are a typical addition to most computers. For gaming computers, sound is a necessity. When sound fails on a Windows computer, it lowers the quality of gaming and interaction on the computer. If the sound card or speakers fail, the only choice is to purchase new hardware. However, there are several troubleshooting guidelines to ensure the problem is reversible through configurations.

    Drivers and Compatibility

1.      If a new operating system has been installed or updates to the sound card have been made, the user may need to update drivers. Drivers are the essential applications that give the hardware the ability to interact with the software. Drivers are always packaged with the sound card on a CD-ROM. Install the drivers using the installation CD and reboot the computer. There are no drivers for speakers.

Compatibility may also be an issue with the sound card. Although Windows is compatible with most hardware, older sound cards may have a compatibility issue with newer operating systems like Windows Vista. Microsoft also provides a list of driver updates for most hardware. Search the corporate page at If the driver is old or outdated, install any updates available on the site.

    Use the Sound Troubleshooter

2.      Microsoft provides a sound troubleshooter application that scans the computer for possible problems with the sound card and drivers. The application is found in the "Help and Support" section of the Windows main menu. Click "Fix a problem" in the application and then select "Games, sound, and video problems." This runs and application to check the machine for bad hardware, corrupted drivers, or installation errors. The sound troubleshooter attempts to deliver sound to the speakers for testing, so ensure the speakers are attached prior to using the tool.

    Switch the Device

3.      Occasionally, the problem may be the speakers but the sound card is operational. Attach another set of speakers into the sound card. If sound is functional, then only new speakers need to be purchased. Attach speakers to a different sound card in another machine. This tests to see if speakers are functional and often means the sound card may be an issue. The user can also place the sound card in another machine to test compatibility. Occasionally, the motherboard slots fail, so the sound card may still work in another machine.

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The information contained in this electronic message and any attachments to this message are intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s) and may contain proprietary, confidential or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately and destroy all copies of this message and any attachments.

WARNING: Computer viruses can be transmitted via email. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

MS Access SQL Tutorial

MS Access SQL Tutorial

Microsoft Access is a database software that allows users to create tables, queries and reports. Microsoft Access is intended for small businesses or individuals to give them visual tools to create reports for finance, sales, and marketing without the high cost of server software. Once the software is purchased, learning the basics of MS Access is necessary.

    Create a Table

1.      The first object needed in an Access database is a table. The table is where all data is stored. In most databases, multiple tables hold sections of categorized data. For instance, an online store may have a table for customers, one for orders, and another for product lists. All these tables are linked together using relationships. For each order a customer makes, the customer number is inserted into the orders table. Since the customer number is also located in the customer's table, these two rows in separate tables form a relationship. The same is used with the products table. Each order has a product, so the product identification number is inserted in the orders table. This forms a relationship link from the order to the products table.

Creating a table is accomplished in the main menu of the database. Double-click the "Create table in design view" icon and a new table template opens. It's in design view where each column is created. A column holds a different piece of information for each record. For instance, in the customer table, the first name, last name, and address of the customer are examples of columns.

    Create a Query

2.      Queries are the way to select data from a table. While small tables with few records are easy to find records, tables may grow to thousands of records. Queries retrieve the information from tables according to the criteria given. Queries also use the relationships setup in each table. This helps the user return one record set of data without querying each table separately.

To create a query, double-click the "Create query in design view" icon on the main database screen. This opens a wizard where the applications asks for tables. Select the tables that hold the data needed for display. Once the tables are added, drag and drop columns into the results section at the bottom of the Access screen. Click "Run" and a sample output is displayed. Queries can be complex or simple, depending on the necessities of the report.

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WARNING: Computer viruses can be transmitted via email. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

How to Set Up an Employee Schedule in Excel

How to Set Up an Employee Schedule in Excel

Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

Employee Schedule

Properly setting up a schedule for employees is a vital step towards establishing and maintaining an efficient workplace. When you set up an employee schedule, it is important to make sure that all shifts have sufficient coverage, that each employee is working the appropriate amount of hours and that employees receive adequate time off, as well. You can use Microsoft Excel to set up an employee schedule that is effective and easy to use as well.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need:

ยท       Microsoft Excel 2000 - 2007

1.      Step 1

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Insert Header

    Open a blank Excel worksheet. Go to the "Insert" tab in Excel 2007 or the "View" menu in Excel 2003 or earlier and select "Header & Footer." Select "Custom Header" and enter "Employee Schedule."

2.      Step 2

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Set Up Orientation

    Go to the "Page Layout" tab in Excel 2007 and click on "Orientation." Select "Landscape." In Excel 2003 or earlier, go to the "File" menu and select "Page Setup." Select "Landscape" on the "Page" tab. Enter "For the week of:" in cell "A1." Select cell "A4."

3.      Step 3

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    First Scheduled Day of the Week

    Set up the cell by changing the font size to "12" and select "Bold" in the "Font" group of the "Home" tab in Excel 2007 or on the "Formatting" toolbar in Excel 2003 or earlier. Type in the first day of the scheduled workweek for employees.

4.      Step 4

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Set Up Schedule Times

    Select cell "B4." Type in the first scheduled time for employees to start work. Enter increments of time in the remaining cells of "Row 4." These may be hour or half hour increments, or you might want to only enter shift change times.

5.      Step 5

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Set Up Employees in the Schedule

    Select cell "A5." Enter the name of the first employee by alphabetical order. In cell "A6," enter the next employee alphabetically, and so on until all employees are set up in the schedule.

6.      Step 6

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Set Up the Rest of the Schedule

    Skip a row and repeat steps 3 through 5 with the second day of the workweek. Repeat with the remaining days of the workweek. Add color to the cells containing days, times and employee names by using the "Fill Color" button in the "Font" group of the "Home" tab in Excel 2007, or the "Formatting" toolbar in Excel 2003 or earlier.

7.      Step 7

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    Save the Schedule as a Template

    Save the employee schedule as an Excel template. Click the "Office Button" in Excel 2007 or the "File" menu in Excel 2003 or earlier and select "Save As." Enter "Employee Schedule" under "File Name." Select "Excel Template (*.xltx)" under "Save as Type" in Excel 2007 or "Template" in Excel 2003 or earlier and click "Save." This will allow you to reuse the schedule without having to set it up again

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WARNING: Computer viruses can be transmitted via email. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Free Downloadable Things to Make a Computer Faster

Free Downloadable Things to Make a Computer Faster

There comes a time in the lifespan of every computer when the user notices that his once-speedy machine has become rather sluggish. Many would have you believe that hundreds of dollars must be paid to have a "professional" clean out your PC; the truth is that with some free, simple software, you can easily make your computer run like new again.

    Spyware and Viruses

1.      The No. 1 cause for computer problems is an infestation of spyware and viruses. These nasty bits of code dig deep into the computer's main systems and slow everything down. As always, the best offense against spyware and viruses is a good defense. Do not give them the chance to infect your machine. Even if you do not currently have viruses or spyware, it is a good idea to follow these steps regardless.

To get rid of viruses, you will need a good antivirus program. Large software companies make millions of dollars each year by forcing users to pay for their software, but there are several free antivirus programs that will work just as well as any paid option. The two most popular programs are Avast and AVG (see "References," below). Both programs will locate and destroy any viruses on your machine.

Next, you will need to get rid of any spyware on your machine. Spyware differs from viruses in that it exists solely to gather information about you and your computing habits. This is both detrimental to your computer and a major invasion of your privacy. One of the best methods of dealing with spyware is to use Microsoft Defender (see "Resources," below). Because the program is released by Microsoft, it has the ability to dig deeper into the operating system to find and destroy spyware.

    Duplicate Files

2.      As files begin to accumulate on your hard drive, they become disorganized. As such, the computer takes longer to access each file because part of the file is located on one part of the hard drive, while another part is located in a different section. This is called fragmentation. Windows has a defragmentation program built into the operating system. Be sure to use this before ridding yourself of duplicate files. The process will be much cleaner with an unfragmented hard drive.

In vast media libraries, you may have inadvertently copied a song, photo or even a movie. Over time, these needless files take up large amounts of space and can cause the computer to slow down. You could manually search for each and every duplicate, but a much simpler way is it to use a free program called Easy Duplicate File Finder (see "Resources," below). The software will scan your hard drive and give you a list of any files that are identical. You can then choose to delete those files and free up valuable hard drive space.


3.      After deleting duplicate files and ridding your machine of spyware and viruses, you can speed up your computer with the popular tune-up software Advanced SystemCare Free (see "Resources," below). This program will give you access to a plethora of options designed to speed up your machine. You can limit the number of programs that start up with the computer and the visual effects of the operating system. Advanced SystemCare will also purge your Internet cache and temporary files, making your browsing experience much more enjoyable.

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WARNING: Computer viruses can be transmitted via email. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

How to Change a Database Link Password

How to Change a Database Link Password

A database link allows you to access another database from the Oracle database. The remote database does not have to be an Oracle database. The link can be used to access the tables and views of the remote database using the Select, Insert, Update or Delete statements. The database link can be created with a static password. However, once this password is created, it cannot be altered. Instead, you must drop the original database link and create a second one with the new password.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy


1.      Step 1

    Open the SQL*Plus application by typing "sqlplus" at the command line.

2.      Step 2

    Drop the current database link with the "DROP DATABASE LINK name;" statement.

3.      Step 3

    Re-create the database link and change the password by typing the following statement at the "SQL>" prompt:


    Change "name," "schema," "user," and "newpass" to reflect the information for your database link.

4.      Step 4

    Test the link by typing the following statement at the "SQL>" prompt:

    SELECT * FROM table@name;

    Change "table" and "name" to reflect the information for your database link.

5.      Step 5

    Type "exit" to close the SQL*Plus application.

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How to Change a Database Link Password

How to Change a Database Link Password

A database link allows you to access another database from the Oracle database. The remote database does not have to be an Oracle database. The link can be used to access the tables and views of the remote database using the Select, Insert, Update or Delete statements. The database link can be created with a static password. However, once this password is created, it cannot be altered. Instead, you must drop the original database link and create a second one with the new password.

Difficulty: Moderately Easy


1.      Step 1

    Open the SQL*Plus application by typing "sqlplus" at the command line.

2.      Step 2

    Drop the current database link with the "DROP DATABASE LINK name;" statement.

3.      Step 3

    Re-create the database link and change the password by typing the following statement at the "SQL>" prompt:


    Change "name," "schema," "user," and "newpass" to reflect the information for your database link.

4.      Step 4

    Test the link by typing the following statement at the "SQL>" prompt:

    SELECT * FROM table@name;

    Change "table" and "name" to reflect the information for your database link.

5.      Step 5

    Type "exit" to close the SQL*Plus application.

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Free Downloadable Things to Make a Computer Faster

Free Downloadable Things to Make a Computer Faster

There comes a time in the lifespan of every computer when the user notices that his once-speedy machine has become rather sluggish. Many would have you believe that hundreds of dollars must be paid to have a "professional" clean out your PC; the truth is that with some free, simple software, you can easily make your computer run like new again.

    Spyware and Viruses

1.      The No. 1 cause for computer problems is an infestation of spyware and viruses. These nasty bits of code dig deep into the computer's main systems and slow everything down. As always, the best offense against spyware and viruses is a good defense. Do not give them the chance to infect your machine. Even if you do not currently have viruses or spyware, it is a good idea to follow these steps regardless.

To get rid of viruses, you will need a good antivirus program. Large software companies make millions of dollars each year by forcing users to pay for their software, but there are several free antivirus programs that will work just as well as any paid option. The two most popular programs are Avast and AVG (see "References," below). Both programs will locate and destroy any viruses on your machine.

Next, you will need to get rid of any spyware on your machine. Spyware differs from viruses in that it exists solely to gather information about you and your computing habits. This is both detrimental to your computer and a major invasion of your privacy. One of the best methods of dealing with spyware is to use Microsoft Defender (see "Resources," below). Because the program is released by Microsoft, it has the ability to dig deeper into the operating system to find and destroy spyware.

    Duplicate Files

2.      As files begin to accumulate on your hard drive, they become disorganized. As such, the computer takes longer to access each file because part of the file is located on one part of the hard drive, while another part is located in a different section. This is called fragmentation. Windows has a defragmentation program built into the operating system. Be sure to use this before ridding yourself of duplicate files. The process will be much cleaner with an unfragmented hard drive.

In vast media libraries, you may have inadvertently copied a song, photo or even a movie. Over time, these needless files take up large amounts of space and can cause the computer to slow down. You could manually search for each and every duplicate, but a much simpler way is it to use a free program called Easy Duplicate File Finder (see "Resources," below). The software will scan your hard drive and give you a list of any files that are identical. You can then choose to delete those files and free up valuable hard drive space.


3.      After deleting duplicate files and ridding your machine of spyware and viruses, you can speed up your computer with the popular tune-up software Advanced SystemCare Free (see "Resources," below). This program will give you access to a plethora of options designed to speed up your machine. You can limit the number of programs that start up with the computer and the visual effects of the operating system. Advanced SystemCare will also purge your Internet cache and temporary files, making your browsing experience much more enjoyable.

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How to Identify the Computer BIOS

How to Identify the Computer BIOS

Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) is an integrated part of the motherboard that starts computer boot sequence and initiates all hardware. Motherboard BIOS is characterized by version number and released date. Upgrading (flashing) BIOS is often necessary to properly support newer hardware (mostly processors) and fix bugs. In order to flash BIOS, the user needs to know the current BIOS version. This information is displayed during computer booting.

Difficulty: Easy


1.      Step 1

    In Windows XP/Vista, click "Start" in the lower left corner of the screen.

2.      Step 2

    Select "Turn off Computer," and click "Restart" to restart your computer.

3.      Step 3

    As soon as the first text lines appear on the screen, press the "Pause" button on the keyboard to freeze the computer.

4.      Step 4

    Picture (Device Independent Bitmap)

    BIOS version and release date (red circle) and motherboard model (green circle)

    Read the information on the screen. The first line contains the motherboard model, BIOS version and the BIOS release date.

5.      Step 5

    Press any button on the keyboard to resume computer booting.

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How to Increase the Virtual Memory in XP

How to Increase the Virtual Memory in XP

Virtual memory is a disk space reserved on a computer hard drive that may be used as the extension of the random access memory (RAM). Windows XP utilizes the virtual memory storage if running applications exceed the physical size of RAM. The increase of the virtual memory prevents RAM overflowing and system crashes.

Difficulty: Easy


1.      Step 1

    Log in the Windows XP administrator account.

2.      Step 2

    Click the "Start" Windows button in the left lower corner of your screen.

3.      Step 3

    Click "Control Panel" and switch to the "Category" view on the left panel. Then click on "Performance and Maintenance."

4.      Step 4

    Click "System" and select the tab "Advanced."

5.      Step 5

    Click "Settings" in the "Performance" field and select the "Advanced" tab.

6.      Step 6

    Read the current size of the virtual memory in the field "Virtual memory." For example, "Total paging file size for all drives: 2046 Mb."

7.      Step 7

    Click "Change" and enter the desired virtual memory size (in megabytes) in the fields "Initial size" and "Maximum size." Note: It is recommended that you enter the same amount of memory in both fields to increase the system performance.

8.      Step 8

    Click "OK." When prompted, click "Yes" to restart the computer.

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