Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rosh Hashana Benjamin

Rosh Hashana Benjamin

Rosh Hashana Benjamin

Did you know eight out of ten women wear the wrong bra size? Of course you didn't. Now, thanks to Israeli iPhone app dev house, Digital Relations, you can celebrate the Jewish New Year with the correct support your loved ones' bosoms need. Say hello to FITS, the iPhone app that helps you measure breast size. Happy new year indeedThe transienttenuous nature of human beings is highlighted by the celebration of Rosh Hashanah (the beginning of a New Year) and the end of the previous year. Recognizing human fallibility, Rosh Hashana highlights humility, soul-searching, responsibility, renewal/rebirth and the need for systematic education.

These are challenging times as Iran continues to work on building a nuclear weapon, Hamas attacks innocents on the eve of peace talks, enemies refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist, and even in Europe and the United States we hear voices from those trying to delegitimize IsraelApples and honey are a traditional part of the Rosh Hashanah celebration. They symbolize our hope for a sweet new year, the round shape of the apple symbolizes the circle of life, and honey was traditionally a reward for those who excelled in their studies during the previous year (sorta how we college students think of beer). Not to mention the fact that apples and honey are just plain tasty. Nom.

Ros [...]

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